Seamless Electronic
Signature Functionality

See how quickly and easily you can request an eSignature directly from UpMail.

Shorten Your Sales Cycle

Dispatch contracts and retrieve signatures without all the hassle of paperwork.

Easy to Use

With only a few clicks, instantly turn your PDF contracts into a signable document. 

Go Digital & Track Engagement

Track engagement at every step and leverage insights to make decisions.

Shorten Your Sales Cycle

Dispatch contracts and retrieve signatures without all the hassle of paperwork.

Easy to Use

With only a few clicks, instantly turn your PDF contracts into a signable document. 

Go Digital & Track Engagement

Track engagement at every step and leverage insights to make decisions.

Electronic Signature Features

Legal Validity & Compliance
Multiple signatures on the same document
Auto-reminders and Notifications
Audit Trail
Encrypted and Secure Documents
Track Signatures

Use contracts the way that best suits your workflow

    • Upload your contract document.
    • Create a contract template fully editable within UpMail.
    • Automatically generate a contract.

Assign signatures & set expiration date

Set the amount of signatures required and set the expiration date of the contract.

Sign directly from your communication

UpMail automatically generates the eSignature request and your prospect will sign the contract directly from your communication.

Track customer engagement

At a glance, see when your contract has been opened and signed. Get full details of your customer’s engagement.

Enrich your customer’s buying experience!

Include electronic signature in your digital sales process and accelerate your sales cycle.

For more information about UpMail, take a look at our blog

Mastering Hotel Sales Proposals: 10 Best Practices for Success

Mastering Hotel Sales Proposals: 10 Best Practices for Success

Crafting a winning hotel proposal requires more than just presenting a document; it’s about having a solid grasp on the clients needs, highlighting your hotel’s distinctive offerings, and seamlessly weaving it all into an easily digestible format. In our blog, we outline ten essential best practices for creating and cultivating successful hotel proposals.