Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is UpMail?

A cloud-based (SAAS) sales enablement platform tailored for content-driven B2B, Group, Meetings & Events sales teams to digitalize and structure their email sales communications for an optimal customer buying experience.

The platform empowers sales teams to gain efficiency whilst enabling them to differentiate their hotels incorporating enriched custom content into their sales emails using a powerful recommendation content engine.

Who is UpMail for?

Any hotel or hotel group sales team that’s engaged in one-to-one selling of Groups, Meetings & Events. UpMail can be configured to optimize the flow and structure of sales communications for above property, on-property or cluster sales teams. We have products and features for hotel groups and single hotels.

How does it work?

UpMail can be accessed directly with either your Outlook, Gmail, CRM or Sales and Catering system through a simple plug-in. Emails are sent and received directly from your email account. Each branded template allows the sharing of digital content; Think videos, GIFs, pictures, PDF’s, weblinks, electronic signature, etc.

UpMail has two distinct products

  1. UpMail for Closing, including enquiry handling, proposals, contract creation, e-signature and follow-ups.
  2. UpMail for Business Development, for prospecting and nurturing clients at scale.

Is UpMail a Proposal tool?

Yes, but it can be used for much more than just responding to Group, Meeting and Event RFP’s/enquiries with sales proposals. UpMail has many functions including supporting proactive sales teams with their prospecting, selling, nurturing and follow-ups. The platform is based on flexible templates allowing an organization / team to build templates for any sales scenario.

Is UpMail a sales enablement tool?

Yes, in short, UpMail will enable your sales teams to increase their workflow efficiency, sales productivity and drive the conversion of your Group, Meetings and Events.

Is UpMail a CRM?

No. UpMail is a perfect complement to your CRM.

UpMail is an extension to your email allowing teams to easily access relevant customer-centric communications that enable workflow efficiencies. You can find more information on our integration with Salesforce

Is UpMail an Email Marketing platform?

No. UpMail is for one to one sales communications not for mass emailing.

UpMail does offer the functionality to dispatch emails automatically to multiple recipients in one email, with these being sent 1 by 1 from the sales person.  There is a limit set of 200 recipients per day.  Typical use of this functionality is for prospecting to target audience, sending invitations, follow-up from trade shows and client nurturing.



How many templates do we get and who creates them?

Each UpMail account is delivered with personalized branded templates based on the product and access to our Inspiration Gallery with templates covering the most common hotel sales scenarios. You can pick and choose or create as many variations of templates you want.

How many languages does UpMail allow?

Any language the user would like to communicate in. There is no extra cost for additional languages.

Can the same users access multiple property accounts and does it count as users' license for each property?

One user can access multiple property accounts and it will only count as one user license.

Can we edit the templates ourselves?

Yes, this is one of the key benefits of Upmail, hotels/hotel groups have autonomy of the management of templates, content and users. Restrictions can be put in place to ensure templates and standards are not compromised.

Can I manage templates centrally for multiple properties?

Yes, our multi-property features will allow you to manage your centralized library of corporate templates, documents and digital content. You can also deploy templates across all your UpMail accounts to support your sales strategy and optimize sales agility. The templates automatically adapt to the branding of each UpMail account. Each property can use these templates straight away or customized to their own requirements.




Can I change the branding for my hotel?

Yes, UpMail is a very flexible self-service tool.

As a hotel group, can we manage and control the templates and branding centrally for our hotels?

Yes, our multi-property features allow you to centrally control the branding of all your UpMail accounts across multiple brands. 

You can also pre-configure default templates and default content on any new UpMail account for a fast onboarding and deployment of your own corporate best practices.



What kind of media rich content can I include in my email and proposal?

You can share any type of digital content in your UpMail template. Text and images display directly within the body of the email, while any other file format (videos, PDF, web links, etc.) are shared in the emails via links (cloud-based technology)

This allows users to share multiple large documents in the same email with no problems!

All the images are also automatically resized and optimized for email.

How many items of content can we use in our central library?

Up to 500 per property.

What is the maximum size of document we can share with UpMail?

You can upload content items up to 15mb. Since we only share the link of these items of content in an email, you can share multiple large documents or files in the same email.



Can I track my customer engagement?

Yes. Every email that is sent is tracked allowing you to see when your customer opens it, and what they clicked within your email, including any e-signature or payment requests.

Is there a reporting dashboard?

Yes. UpMail has a comprehensive email tracking dashboard that details both team and individual activity, summarizes the effectiveness of each communication, and types templates and content.

Do you offer reporting for multiple accounts/properties?

Yes, our multi-property reporting allows you to aggregate the data from multiple UpMail accounts into a central dashboard. You can analyze the data per brand, per region and drill down into each UpMail account.



What customer support does UpMail offer?

We assign each client a dedicated account manager. UpMail customer support by email and instant live chat covers 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday (in The Middle East to North-American time zones).

What other resources are available for support?

Instant Live Chat within your UpMail account allows your team to communicate with the UpMail Customer Success team. Our detailed knowledge base and online training portal are also great resources for UpMail users.

What training is provided?

All users and UpMail Champions receive online training via our training portal through a series of training videos and online support. In our onboarding program, we go over two live training sessions to help setup your UpMail account for your requirements




What is the onboarding process?

These are the typical steps of the onboarding process:

  1. Sign agreement
  2. Kick off call with UpMail Champion
  3. UpMail Champion Training
  4. Upload content
  5. Adjust templates
  6. End user training
  7. Go LIVE

How long does the set-up take before signing and going LIVE?

Within 48h you have access to your branded UpMail account and to our inspiration gallery with templates covering the most common hotel sales scenarios. It’s then up to your hotel to decide how much customisation you want to apply or how much content you want to upload. Our onboarding team helps you to customize your account for your requirements.

Do you tailor the onboarding program for hotel groups?

Yes, we always factor in the size of the sales team, demographic and English language comprehension to ensure that the onboarding is optimized for success.




Are the emails sent from my own email address?

Yes, UpMail connects with your email server (Office 365 or Gmail) to send the emails from your email address to ensure a high deliverability rate. You can also see the emails dispatched in your sent items folder in Outlook.

Will my emails be blocked or seen as SPAM?

UpMail is not a 3rd party email platform such as Mailchimp, you are sending emails from your own email account. Providing your emails do not already end up being blocked or moved to SPAM then they wont with UpMail.

Will the images be blocked when sending to clients?

We cannot legislate how a recipient’s email account has been set-up, but UpMail is used globally, by international brands where images and digital content are at the core of their communications.



Is it an annual agreement or can we pay month by month?

All agreements are annual.

Does UpMail offer free trials


How much does UpMail cost?

We’re working with hotel groups to configure our platform taking into consideration their objectives, team structure, IT infrastructure and budget, to tailor a solution with the appropriate onboarding program, training, and reporting.

Please contact our sales team to find out more.




What Delphi Revision do we need to be on to get UpMail?

R49, or higher.

For some specific integration requirement and depending on your organization’s IT infrastructure it may require your IT team to adjust some basic parameters.

Does the integration with Delphi is one or two-way data synchronization?

Currently, with the R49, UpMail can extract the data from Delphi booking (one-way) and we’re expecting further revision will include 2 way integration. All emails from UpMail can be recorded in Delphi as an activity at the contact level.

Please contact us at to get the most up to date copy of UpMail security standards and more details on our technology infrastructure.

Does UpMail integrate with MeetingBroker?

Yes, UpMail integrates with MeetingBroker.

Please contact us to get more information on this (

Does UpMail integrate with Salesforce?



How many user licenses are included with each hotel account?

3 users per account – additional licenses are available at an extra cost.

Can users' licenses be accumulated if some hotels in our group need more than others?

If the commercial agreement is at a group level then yes, “spare” licenses from a hotel only needing 1 or 2, can be rolled up to another hotel within that group.

Can the same users access multiple property accounts and does it count as users' license for each property?

One user can access multiple property accounts and it will only count as one user license.

Does UpMail have different types of users?

Yes, UpMail has two types of users, the account administrators are called UpMail Champions and then there are the end-users. The UpMail Champion has access to additional account admin features and are the same price as the end-users license.

Do we need to pay for an extra license to only look at the dashboard and reporting?

All users accessing UpMail need a license, even if it’s to only access the reporting.

Can we use UpMail for a cluster sales team?

Yes, UpMail has different types of configuration for property and cluster sales teams. It’s also possible to assign users to multiple UpMail accounts if required.

Can we change, add and remove users ourselves?

Yes, this is one of the key benefits of UpMail, hotels/hotel groups have autonomy of the management of users, templates and content.



Can I use UpMail to send one email to multiple recipients?

Yes, with “UpMail for Business Development” you can easily upload your list of contacts in Excel or create your list of contacts from Salesforce and automatically dispatch from UpMail.

This allows users to share multiple large documents in the same email with no problems!

All the images are also automatically resized and optimized for email.

Is there a maximum number of emails I can dispatch with UpMail?

Yes. UpMail allows you to automate the dispatch of personalized emails to up to 200 recipients a day.

Does UpMail offer e-signature?

Yes, you can use UpMail to get your document signed electronically. See link for more details.

What are the multi-property features for?

UpMail multi-property features are designed for supporting hotel groups to manage centrally the UpMail accounts for their properties. It includes features to control the branding, default account setup for new hotels, centralized corporate libraries of templates, documents and digital content as well as multi-property reporting.

Are the emails mobile responsive?

Yes, all email templates on UpMail platform are mobile responsive.

Can UpMail be saved as a PDF


Can UpMail be used for Event Serving too?

Yes, UpMail can be used to streamline any communications process, including for the event servicing teams in catering sales hotels to standardize their customer communications and to assist with upselling.




Do we need to work with our IT team to set-up UpMail?

UpMail is a cloud-based technology (SAAS) and in most cases doesn’t require the involvement of your IT team.

For some specific integration requirement and depending on your organization’s IT infrastructure it may require your IT team to adjust some basic parameters.

How are the emails sent?

UpMail connects with your Outlook/Office 365 or Google Mail email servers via a secure connection (oAuth) to dispatch the email. The emails are sent from you to your recipient, and you’ll see all emails sent in your “Sent Items” folder.

You can also connect to your email server via an SMTP connection. Please contact us to get more information on this (

How does UpMail connect with the user's email server

UpMail users can connect to your Office 365/Gmail email server using an oAuth protocol which doesn’t require sharing any credentials and it’s using access tokens that can be revoked by the users at any time.

This access only authorizes UpMail to read the user profile and dispatch emails on their behalf.

Users can ask to remove email data from UpMail at any time without removing such data from your email client.

See how it’s done with Outlook.
See how it’s done with Gmail.

UpMail Outlook plugin requirements

Independently to the connection with your Office 365/Gmail email server, UpMail users can install our UpMail Outlook Add-in.

This allows UpMail users to access their UpMail account directly from their Outlook interface, instead of login in from a web browser.

The minimum requirement to install our add-in requires .NET Framework 3.5. The .NET Framework is installed by default on all windows computers.

Once installed, the plugin is simply opening a web browser and directing the users to their UpMail account.

This UpMail Outlook Add-ins is allowing UpMail users to access their UpMail account directly from their Outlook interface.

It’s possible to test the installation: download the plugin.

Can we integrate UpMail with our Sales and Catering system?

UpMail can integrate with the following S&C systems:

For more details on these integration please contact us on

Can UpMail integrate into Salesforce CRM?

Yes, we currently have an integration with Salesforce.

Your Salesforce Account Administrator can install our UpMail plugin into your Salesforce account by following these instructions.

If you have any questions regarding our Salesforce integration, please contact us on

How secure is UpMail?

UpMail follows the industry best practices in terms of security standards and data protection.

Please contact us at to get the most up to date copy of UpMail security standards and more details on our technology infrastructure.

Does UpMail offer Multi-factor Authentication (MFA)?

Yes, your UpMail Champion can activate the Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) to force all users of their account to use this authentication method.