Gmail integration
Manage emails more efficiently using UpMail and Gmail together.

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For more information about UpMail, take a look at our blog
Introducing 8 New Email Layouts: Elevate Your Emails Today
By popular demand, the UpMail team is thrilled to introduce eight brand-new layouts designed to showcase your stunning images and enhance call-to-actions. The new layouts are now available in our Template Gallery, making it easy to select, and customize them for your next email or template.
The Hotel Sales Proposal Makeover: 5 Things You Need to Drop Today
Are your hotel sales proposals stuck in the past? Modern clients expect visually appealing, relevant, and streamlined presentations. Here’s how to ditch outdated practices and create proposals that captivate today’s tech-savvy audience.
Celebrating Excellence: 2024 UpMail Awards
In 2024, we’ve been constantly amazed by the creativity and dedication our clients have put into their UpMail proposal and email templates. We’re excited to recognize some of the top performers and their outstanding contributions. Here are the winners of the 2024 UpMail Awards!