Elevating Its Luxury Brand through High-Quality
B2B Sales Communications

When Iberostar partnered with UpMail, great things happened for the hotel and resort chain. The quality and effectiveness of Iberostar’s B2B sales communications improved, helping to differentiate and enhance Iberostar’s status as a luxury brand. Sales performance increased and revenue shot up.

Palma, Spain

Hotel chain, privately held

Number of hotels
+ 100 properties, 4* and 5*

Europe, Central America
and South America

Company Size
+20,000 employees


Recognized within the industry as a leading hotel and resort chain, Majorca, Spain based Iberostar counts over 100 properties within its portfolio of four and five-star hotels.

The company’s sales team can be found in most European countries where it’s crucial for them to foster constant communication (in at least five different languages) with B2B clients, travel agencies and partners. That’s no easy feat.

In order to increase conversion rates and generate more revenue, Iberostar needed to solve a few challenges facing them. Specifically, their goals were to:

  • communicate and build quality relationships across their large partner base using relevant content for their 100+ hotels, each with unique requirements.
  • differentiate their brand from the competition.
  • improve the overall quality of their communications and establish a standardised communications process across their sales team.
  • be able to react quickly, and nimbly, to ever-changing business needs.
To showcase its unique offering with B2B partners, Iberostar takes advantage of its own library of engaging digital content. This includes captivating imagery, professionally produced videos, and detailed brochures with links to several webpages in many languages. All great things. But, Iberostar still had difficulty distributing relevant content targeted to the right partners quickly and efficiently. That’s where UpMail comes in.


To solve this challenge, UpMail suggested that Iberostar international sales representatives adopt a series of customizable email templates. They would be specifically designed for their regional sales teams, who each have unique B2B communication requirements.

These templates provided maximum flexibility when it came to language preference and access to relevant imagery and content. Highly adaptable, the templates could meet precise needs for Iberostar, including a new hotel opening or an exclusive offer for partners. They could also work just as well for more generic requirements, such as invitations.

Iberostar representatives simply had to register on their UpMail account (super easy) and install the Outlook plug-in to access it. In no time and with ease, team members were creating highly personalised and engaging emails for their B2B regional partners.

Based on real time data, members could analyze response rates and see which emails and templates performed best. They then shared this actionable information across teams.


The results were impressive. UpMail helped Iberostar streamline communications across their entire international sales team. This was achieved while still maintaining a high level of flexibility for their respective regions and type of clients.

The ability to create highly personalised sales communications (in different languages) and to share quality and relevant digital content across sales teams had a big impact for Iberostar. Here’s how:

  • With data that was easy to access and understand, sales team members made smarter choices
  • The level of engagement with B2B partners increased
  • Iberostar was able to truly differentiate itself as a luxury brand

Iberostar international sales teams are now equipped with an impressive level of agility. When a last minute opportunity or business need arrives (think a hotel with a low occupancy), individual team members are on it. They can quickly communicate with their most appropriate channel in just a few clicks.

Iberostar initially started with six templates on their account, but that quickly grew to more than 20. Users created additional templates based on the various types of communication required. More than 48,000 personalised B2B sales emails have been sent in just the last twelve months. With UpMail, the Iberostar team is now equipped with an easy, efficient, and smart tool to increase their sales performance.

“…UpMail is a perfect tool to reach a big diversity of clients in a professional manner, using pictures, presentations and videos without being dependent on our marketing team or a graphic designer for every mailing we want to send out. “

Lucy Beeuwsaert

Director of BDM team EMEA, Iberostar

“Upmail is a fantastic, easy to use system to send high quality formatted, company branded, newsletter style emails to a large database in one go.”

Aishling McLoughlin

Business Development Director, Iberostar

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